Research Abstract and Clinical Vignette Competition
Quality-Innovations-Research Competition
Submissions can report clinical and/or laboratory-based research. Research abstracts concerned with efficiency, cost, method of health care delivery, quality of care, and medical decision-making are also encouraged. Substance of the research should be relevant to hospital medicine. Abstracts submitted for the research category should adhere to these headings:
i. Background
ii. Methods
iii. Results
iv. Conclusions
v. Author Disclosure
Clinical Vignette Competition
A clinical vignette is a report of one or more cases that illustrate a new disease entity, a prominent or unusual clinical feature of an established disease, highlight an area of clinical controversy in hospital medicine, or illustrate a unique patient safety issue. It may include a summary of pertinent patient history, physical findings, laboratory data, or management description. It should be clear from the discussion portion of the abstract why the vignette is most appropriate for a hospital medicine as opposed to general internal medicine.
Clinical vignettes will be judged on originality, organization, writing quality, and relevance to hospital medicine. All submissions for the clinical vignette category should adhere to these headings:
i. Case presentation
ii. Discussion
iii. Conclusion
iv. Author Disclosure
Abstracts will be blinded and reviewed by a panel of judges. Each category of the competition (research and clinical vignettes) will be judged separately. The most worthy abstracts will be selected for poster presentation at the Southern Hospital Medicine Conference. Instructions for posters will be provided upon notification of selection.
All primary authors will be notified via email of the initial judging by Tuesday, August 20, 2024. Awards will be given at the meeting to the best poster(s) in each category. Judges will consider not only the quality of the initial abstract submission, but also the quality of the poster and presenting author’s discussion of their work during the poster session.
The presenting author (preferably the primary author) will be invited to present his or her poster at the Southern Hospital Medicine Conference on Thursday, September 26, 2024 between 5:30 and 7:30 pm. The top author in each category will be invited to deliver an oral presentation of their abstract, including Q&A session. Authors participating in the poster session will need to confirm with Poster Session Directors no later than September 3, 2024 whether they will be present in-person for their poster presentation. Poster viewing will be in-person ONLY. Authors will be responsible for any associated costs including travel, meeting registration, and poster preparation.
An author may submit no more than two entries per category into the overall competition as the primary author/presenter. If you submit more than two entries per category, only the first two received via e-mail will be considered; the others will be deleted without consideration.
Please provide full contact information (name, email, phone number, mailing address) when submitting abstract. Abstracts may be returned if missing information.
You must indicate in your e-mail AND abstract if the abstract is a Clinical Vignette or Research abstract. Abstracts without this listed will be returned.
All submissions must be typed in English.
Use no smaller than 11-point Times New Roman font. Typed single-space. Alignment should be left.
The submission is limited to 3,000 characters, not including spaces. Your submission will be returned and considered “incomplete” if this limit is exceeded. One page only.
Leave space between the margins and text material.
Type the title of the abstract/vignette in bold lettering. Do not use abbreviations in the title.
Provide each author’s full name, (primary author first), each author’s degree(s), and each author’s affiliation (department, institution, city and state).
Leave space (one line) after the list of author affiliations and begin typing the main body of the abstract.
Do not use any abbreviations or acronyms in abstracts. Spell out all terms, including common terms such as magnetic resonance imaging and electrocardiogram.
Proofread abstracts carefully to avoid errors before they are submitted. No revisions or resubmission will be accepted after the deadline.